Something Happened!

TRUE STORY about myself.
( you can don't believe but don't judge please! )

Okay, I have been lost for few months again. The reason still same assignment and assignment. But is going to final, so I can rest for two weeks. My semester break only have two weeks plus. That's why I say so. 

Ohh Ya ! I have moving my house soon. This few weeks I'm so so tired of packing my clothes and all the stuff. After packing and ship to the new house. Actually the house is rent and not our house. This old house my parents have sold it out. So, we have to ship to the other house. 

Moving house really spent all my energy out, my body is like not my "body"! I'm tired, but lucky that we have ship to this house. 

The reason we moving out the house.
Why I say lucky to move out to this house. It's because of the old house got "something" inside and keep disturb me and my family also. WHAT IS THAT !! Is GHOST ! Actually, I don't know is that or what. This issue have been suffer us for a long time ago ( since 2009 ). I think almost 6 years. Is really damn horrible thing happened to me and my family. I didn't even see "that" before, but I really felt "that" before. When I felt it ? 

Have to turn it to when I'm form 3. Yeah, it's happened to me when I'm 16 years old. I got my own room and it's pretty much beautiful for me. But unluckily, "that" thing is belong to me and staying with me. "THAT" THING SLEEP BESIDE ME!!  How yo say ?

When in the night, I ready to sleep. And when I fall a sleep, then "that" thing sleep in front of me. I cannot see it, but I can felt it. What feeling is that ?  When "that" thing disturbing while you are sleeping, you will feel HEAVY, CANNOT BREATH, and CANNOT MOVE YOUR BODY.  And you CANNOT SHOUT OUT also. You suffer in the movement. This is what happened to me every night.

Not only that, "that" thing still disturbing my mum some more. My mum told me, she heard "that" thing call my dad "dad", and that time my dad at downstair take something. And my mum said "that' thing calling my dad like "his" dad! Damn, it's really horrible thing ! "That" thing still called me "sister" and my brother "brother". Is damn disgusting !!! 

One day, my mum sudden shouted very loud and said nothing. But at the moment, I knew something there but I'm kept it silent because I really scared. After that day my mum only told me, she saw "that" thing at the  curtain and the face like popping out to the curtain but curtain is blocking. Try to think that, when you hiding at the curtain there and you want to out but the curtain blocking you and you face like no face. My mum was very scared, she said "that" thing like trying to come out but cannot. 

Just something like this . As like the picture, but the face is pop out. Very scary.

This case happened to us again and happened on 17th of November 2013 Sunday Night. What the hell, first we don't know. But after that day(tomorrow), my mum look back the photo on Facebook we posted. Suddenly my mum discovery that thing is taking picture with us. We seriously scared !! And that thing look very clear. Let you guys to have a look of that. NO FILTER NO EDITER. I SWAER ITS ORIGINAL PHOTO. 

In my old house, lot of thing happened. I don't believe ghost, but NOW I know ghost just around us only we cannot see. So now we are ship to this new house and this house is so so so so indesign.

Never mind, I will buy a new and huge house for my family. I will take care my family when I got my first JOB ! I won't let my parents and brother sister get any trouble and suffer anymore. 

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