Merry Christmas ☃

Merry Christmas my dearest reader and babies
(actually still early right , 10 days left)
Never mind, early wish early dream come true (*:

[ This is what I wish and together with him in the snowing day.
Maybe have to wait almost 3 & 4 years only dream come true, still need to earn money )*: 
Never mind, I'm waiting for the trip if we afford , wait for my dear bring me to there !
He promise me a lot, I believe you will make it true if you can !
Even that we argue always , but our love will not change to each other. ]
What you guys  have prepare for your dear? Present? Surprise? Party? 
I'm not going to prepare any present for him, because I want to beside him and lying on his shoulder! That is enough for me actually (: 
I wish that people can dream come true, even that I don't know who you are or who I know.
And, you have to stay in happiness world not in suffer world

 Guys,do you remember my post about Doomsday?
Do you afraid of that?
Someone told me, in Malaysia will be so freaking cold and maybe will snow.
But, in America will be so freaking hot and our weather maybe will exchange !
How impossible things is it!
Actually, I'm not really believe in this.
Do you guys believe ?
I believe that our country will so dark and cold nothing else happen after that.
Now, my mummy was starting to buy some daily necessities and food in house.
I wish with my very sincerely heart to pray it nothing happen on that day ⌢ ⌣ 
Stay turn for my incoming post here  

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