Big love

This is a very big love for my dear ◕‿-。
I know I'm not a very good girlfriend, but I am the most special one in the world. And no one will same as me with a big love for you, smiling face, happiness life, and active girl. Yes, that is me always is me. People can also act like me, but not totally themselves. What is my name ? Mushroom / SeanYee. How old are you? 18 years old(2012). What is your attitude? Hyper active, smiling always, like to chill with friend and so on. Who is your Mr.Right? Johnny (dear). This is a very simple intro of me! Someone who knew not so long, but our relationship is so good. Wanted to tell you, you are stranger for me at all~~ ): 

Although we cannot meet always, our heart is always together. Do you know, when I miss you what will I do ? I will look to the bear that you bought for me and keep smiling to the bear and said " Stupid boy, I miss you so much!". Then, suddenly I laugh and then stop. How stupid are me. Nothing gonna change my love for you, and love you forever. Looking to my eyes, you can see through yourself and the love from my heart

Baby , I miss you so much! give me a big big love too. Love you  

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