Cried at last

 Someone told me,this is about a love story !
After listened the story,it's really warm me so much.
So I would like to share this story to you,hope ou like it (:

A girl who called Crystal and A boy who called Johnny.

The first day of the school term,they were in school and passed by each other this is their first met.
Bell rang...
Students went to hall and queue in their class and then sat down listend teachers talk.
Crystal sat beside Johnny,they were don't know each other but Crystal was so admire on him.
Johnny had a pair of big eyes with a long eyelash,foreigner's nose,red mouth and very handsome cheek.
That's why Crystal was so admire on him !
Finished listened teachers talk,all of the student went back class.
They were in the same class,she was so surprised because he was same class with her.
Class teacher get in class and have to arrange student sat.
Teacher called one by one and Crystal was sitting behind Johnny,she was so happy(:

Time passed so fast,it's June of fourth.
Crystal was admire Johnny half year , and it's become love and not admire anymore.
She didn't do anything for him,just keep it silent and always looked at him when teacher teaching in class.
She never pay attention to study,came to school and just looked at him.
Crystal didn't talk with Johnny in the half year,Johnny same too.
The reason of Crystal didn't talk with him was because she shy to talk with him.
But she don't know why he didn't talk to her. Sometime Crystal felt sad of that.
However Johnny talk to her or didn't talk to her,she still in deep love to him.

Crystal was felt strange because Johnny always looked at the window and smile.
She don't know how what he looked and why he smile so sweet.
The sweet of smile made Crystal was so charming on him.

In first of September,
Crystal was like the last eight month came to school with a happiness heart.
She get in the class and sat down her place,but Johnny didn't came to school today.
After that,class teacher came in class and told them.
"Johnny was not in our school anymore and he want me to tell you all,thank for the last eight month treat him so good."
Crystal was upset and she cried,she didn't talk to him and she never tell him she love him so much.
The few days,Crystal skip school and stay in house keep think about him,she started to miss him.
But she don't know how to look for him,she never give up him.
After one week in house,Crystal finally went to school and she very strange how come Johnny sat there and looked at the window and smile so sweet.
Today,Crystal sat down at Johnny's place and looked at the window,but Crystal was cried so badly and keep looked at the window non-stop.
At first, Johnny looked at the window and smile so sweet because there have a mirror and reflex through to looked at Crystal.
Johnny loved Crystal in the last eight month and Crystal was loved him the last eight month too.
Crystal cried and she have not seem him anymore. She cried and non-stop.

This is what I heard from someone.
Finished wrote this story I cried again,this is really touch me so much.

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