Greated day with my Mr.Right ♥

Love you-you ! Forever is you , Do you ?

Your aunt's birthday dinner , your parents invited me to the dinner.
I was shocked , happy , excited and felt happiness !
That day , your whole family were there and included your grandmother .

Sunday night , we talk in phone . You told me Monday got a dinner , want to invite me (:
I was shocked , because it's your family dinner and no others there , only your family.♥
Monday , started at 6.30pm , Over Sea Restaurant !

Monday ,
5.30pm , I was in the bathroom and had my bath !
6.00pm , I was making up and choosing my dress !
6.15pm , You were waiting me and fetch me to the dinner !
6.30pm , We were reached the restaurant !
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥HAPPY !♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥HAPPY ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
We get in the room that your daddy book for the dinner .
Started nervous , that was my first time to met your whole family !
I sat beside him , and talked with his aunt and his grandmother . ( nervous )
After 20 minutes , his uncle , aunts , cousins , his daddy and mummy and his 2 brother reached .
They were came in the room and using a strange eyes to look at me , and I was started nervous !
His daddy , intro me to his uncle and aunt and cousin too .
" This is Johnny's Girlfriend ! " - using English to intro who am I .
[ They were using English and Hak Ka to chat , English and Hak ka I don't really understand . ]

Dinner was start , his daddy very cute and funny ! Keep talking and said fun , he keep ask his daddy shut up . ( you so bad ) They were so funny , and his cousins very smart too ! I just sat beside him and keep quiet to listed what they said . Suddenly , his little brother said " going to had Johnny's Ang Bao "then made all laughed ! I was so shy and don't dare to laugh , because SHY !
Dinner finished at 9 something , then he fetched me back ! It's a great day with YOU , darling !

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