瞳,Holiday Life

Holiday already had 1 month something,
din do anything else.
Stay at house be a female house,
no planing at all.

Holidays I just slept and don't had move at all...

Maybe date friends go out,
Monday is my Lovely Sweetie Bebe birthday,
we go RedBox sing K.
I think will go,still haven ensure it.
Because wanna find dear.
Long time din see him,always lazy go out .
So,I think will go watch movie with him. NOT SURE yet.

Anyone of you,How your holiday?
I think so. Not like me. Stay at house be a super female house. xD

Stating to blog,last few month din have blog... reason ?
Because of lazy this world >>>....<<<
== Speechless. ==
Friends working,
Friends playing,
Friends are you feel good ? Maybe ... (:

Want to go Genting with dear,
but mummy don't let.
She said very dangerous,
because he is boy.
After all he also is boy,
so, don't let ....
Speechless lo ==
Fine,with him go shopping also good (:

Anywhere, I love him so much
No one will replace him in my heart (:
Baby Johnny,I Love You. <3
Ai shi teo lu ...
Aku cinta kamu ...
Ngor zhong yi nlei
Wo ai ni

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