
We're always is friends.

I don't like some people friend with me but is lying on me.
And,still action with something.
What kind of people you're?
You can fake like the things is right want,
you can show off all your things. But do you think what your friend will feel it ?
Just because your attitude like last time.
I dump friendship with you I very happy.

Please,don't always call him "SOHAI"
You call him"SOHAI",mean you're too.
And ,always msg him for what? Ask him for what?
Just ask yourself.
Always call him borrow tissue to you,who you think you're?
Still call him buy things? I can't endure what you did before.

You still can wrote at Facebook,say those words ?
What the suck you say ?
I start dislike you because of your mouth always saying him.
I don't know why you can act like what also I wrong now.
You're the one BLUNDER.
I can't think you're really is the SUPER FAKER.
Not I hate you first,is you make me to hate you.
Why I last time can very friend with you,but now break we friendship?
Is because your mouth.

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