My girl

Our Love Never End
After tuition went to GIRL house
The Girl waiting me and bring me to her house
Reached there at 4something,then Girl bring me to her house put down my bag then go out
Saw her mum and bro,first time saw her mum feel so scary.And her bro darn cute (:
Put down my bag,then went to yam cha
The 38 Girl very 38 already lo,keep joking at there make me laugh like hell.
After yam cha,then go back her house
Then with her siting at sofa,keep play and talk and...
Then I told her nowaday had a lot of stars at sky
Girl said,那些星星是我爬上去弄给你看的啦....Happy (:
Suddenly,girl mum call her go took CPU at her mum car
Then her mum talk with me,feel really scary...but after talk with her mum dint feel that anymore.
She mum told me,why dint call girl study hard...always 无所事事 what.
When I heard that,feel so fun. Then her mum ask me what's your name... XD
Actually,I feel happy...but still scary,cause first time ma. ><
Tomorrow go S.W with my girl (LenqLui)
Actually is not girl,that's my BOY

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