
Today came dad office,don't know want to do what.
I want say at house,but dad call me come to accompany my mum.
Now tired until can't open my eyes,because yesterday slept at 6 something.Hmmmp~tired.....

Now at here doing nothing,just in front the laptop typing typing typing.
Very bored now.
Last time I want come here to help,dad said no need.
Now I don't want to come here,still force me to come...
Lols,something wrong with his nervous?hahahx xD

Yesterday,continue watch the Taiwan drama.
Momo Love.Now only had Ep9...
This drama I darn love matter why..
Then the Korean drama still wanna wait a long time only can see,because now update Ep21 only.
I already watch until Ep20...faster.

Just now saw my friends blog,those spammer darn free already.
Any time also can go people blog spam want.
Omg,isn't those people nothing to do then go spam??
If you got free then go do some "有用" de things la.
Don't spam people blog already la.
And they blog is wrote their thing and chat with friends,isn't to you spam what..
Kacau people blog for what?I thing you're jealous they ..if not why wanted spam leh??
Sot sot de oh..
hahaha xD

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