
Just came back from hometown,very tired.
hey,still got 2 week holiday then reopen sch.
Oh my god,why so fast wanna start sch de.don't felt like want go to sch now.
I think you guys also right.

Yeah,when back my grandma house.
Then I saw my sis,wtf!
She became more fat.and she cut short hair saw her face more mum say she like 樱桃小丸子
I think so,but like doremon also.
But she look also very cute la.haha xD
All my cousin also become handsome now.
Wooo,有前途... hahax xD
Went back there because of my cousin wedding.
huh?!!Darn handsome and beautiful. I mean my cousin and his wife.
Then he also more handsome already.and sing also very good le.

Tomorrow going office again.
Going to sleep right now

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