Went back from Penang

Just went back from Penang,
felt tired but can't sleep.
Because at car slept whole day [kekex,I think ba]
So now tired but can't sleep.

okay...saying about the Penang

Went there Wednesday afternoon,I think 12 or 1 something
The at car nothing can do,ProLu find me sms xD (good frenz)
Sms until half ... NO LINE =="
Start felt sienx,then my bro call mummy open the "Mr.Bean Holiday" to see

Hahax,then we see untill reached there...
LOLX,felt want vomit and keep headache ..><''
Won't watch anymore when I stay at car.
Then we reach there and wait some one to bring us go cousin house
Yeah~finally reach there at 4 something xD

dududududu.. the newly-wedded girl making up.
Wuuuu,beautiful right . Nice man xD
Then after she finish make up and change shirt..

We stand by to the dinner

Newly-wedded girl go by my daddy car
Reached the restaurant only need 15minute .. damn fast
Then I taking and caring her wedding shirt[paiseh,don't how to say that]

huh?!? she damn lenq xD

Then I saw her darling lou gong ...
WUUUUU,lenq zaii hooo.
LenqZaii+LenqLuii=天生一对 xD

[Just post some pic I had took to here,
lazy say about the dinner. cause that was bored]

After the dinner
Fetch newly-wedded girl back house
Then we back hotel bath
Damn tired and dirty xD ><
Went back Hotel
HuHuHuHU~check IN that time I took pic

after bath wanna go Auto-city

But daddy sunddenly said don't want go
wtf!damn dulan lo,I wan go there
Then angry dao I slept jor xD

Then second day,
We went to cousin house again
cause she want 出嫁 le.
There was only got 1 word "BORED"
Then 12 something daddy and mummy say want go Penang
HUHUHU~We go there watch view
TT...damn nice lo. damn love TT
Some pic (VIEW)

Nice right ???
Wah lao eh,damn love de lo
You guys love too ???
Hmmmm.. I think ba.

Then after that we go eat the popular A.Laksa

Wuu,nice leh.

My daddy ate 3 bowl of A.Laksa {pro lo}
After eat go 极乐室(庙堂)
Nice view also . xD

Then finish all the thing
We wnet to ferry
We can stay at ferry,car also can
Lols,we all include my daddy car
Go don't know where by the ferry
damn enjoy when at the ferry (:
This the second time I went to Penang and sit the ferry
First time with my whole family go
Second time only 4 of us go
I love Penang View,damn nice (:
Hope can go again,but go there need so long time

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