Want Go Penang

Ya,going back Penang
I don't really want to go
because too far,and want stay at car very long time
Maybe 5++ hours.damn long
Waiting Friday come,expectancy that day
Not only me,my babe also ^^

Later have dinner
So wanna prepare dinner shirt
But I already finish all the thing ><...
Now just waiting daddy back on his work
Maybe afternoon going Penang
The reach there maybe 6 something
==" too long right?
I scared too long will make me feel headache and feel want vomit
Hope no that feeling,because that feeling will make me arduous. @*#^$*(@^$@&!%^&#
Please,don't ^^

Today Wednesday
maybe they still playing or doing something special
But I hope you don't do until too tired
Remember rest more and drink more water
Another you also ya,this help people said de (:
Waiting ...

Holiday coming near to me
and going Form3
Don't really want,because of the PMR
Ya,haven ready yet
So holidays start want hardworking on study
YamGong ):
I hope I can do it better,try my best ><"

I very disappoint on you,I believe you
but you make me unbeliever you now
Now you give me the feeling is a faker
I know this is not the good feeling I have
But you know why I'll think that not good
Because you broke the promise to me
That was pass a long time ago and also
last month happen,I just very disappoint it
I won't believe anyone and won't love anyone
maybe this is the good choice and also good for me
Where is the soul going to ?
Going to you? No,impossible that
Don't think so much.
I going to give up
I can do it

Going bath la
will post the dinner pic here
[I love you,bye]

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