
Today I felt unhappy,no matter.Just felt it now
Maybe just now think about you and felt it
I said I can forget all the memories.But I just don't want to do that
Actually,this my problem.Non-of-your-business
I can set it out of my heart

Just now I saw her blog,
first time I saw is same,Kay
second time I saw is same again,Kay
Never Mind,I know you is the girl who likes to copy.
Last time copy Ka,then now ...
::No Feeling::

The second I love
We know each other not really long
But I had the feel that you can make me happy
Don't know why,just feeling. I think
XiaoMei,I love you
Thank my "mummy YangYang"
I love you so much and much.
You teach me that how to treat a people as good as I can
I'll remember and do it very well as I can.
I promise you,don't let you disappointed
Muackx,"mummy YangYang"

Monday start,want follow Daddy go office,because wanna help him ;D

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