Time go so fast

Tomorrow with daddy mummy go mid and buy thing.
The thing don't how to said,like...going snow day can take out to heat your hand or face.Feel comfortable
I got tried that before,go Korean that time using that thing.Feel happiness ;D

Today had dance class,darn enjoy on all the step.
But also had some hard step want to learn,very like to dance
Waiting next Sat,because the time take longer already.Start lesson on 4.30pm till 6.00pm

Lols,today I took out my calendar.and saw next month still got how many class I need to go
Then I still have 2 class on next month and after that 2 class is going celebrate Christmas day
Is so fast,and 1-2week will reopen school already
Really fast,when I want the time pass it fast then will be slow.when I want slow then will be fast. WTF**
Anywhere,this year going end.I very happy on this year,but some time also darn sad xD
I hope this year sad thing or any unhappy thing also don't bring it to next year.because next year is a New Life
And hope you guys can happy on 2010 xD

I forgive all of you,because hate a people is a very uncomfortable thing xD
So I'll be a good girl on next year (:

Love You man,Yeah~

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