20091003&04 (Ipoh)

The Moon~ Nice (: I used my phones took.

This cute boy very dak yi (:

This cute boy only 3 years old =)

My sis and the cute boy
Sat went back my popo house
2 something reached there
Then daddy took the luggage to the room

Went to my aunt house ate dinner
My aunt they all got many red wine and beer
Then after ate daddy and they all drank red wine
Don't why daddy call me drank red wine
I said don't want he still said go drank
Aunt gave me a cup of red wine =)
Actually I like red wine,not really like Tiger
Took the red wine and go n aunt house watch TV and drank it
Finished drink give back aunt the cup

Afterward,my cousin call me go out
In front of all my aunt and cousin and also daddy mummy
You know what he said with me ?
He said:play "want to choose(maybe spell like that)",
is lose need drank all the red wine.
Then I said okay,I got problem already.
First round,
He lose more than me.
Second round,
most the time I lose.
Last round,
whole bottle red wine I drank .
Omg~I din drunk but my cousin already drunk.
He no good drank red wine. =)
But after than whole body very very hot then my face very red
got abit drunk also :(
(I'll post my drunk face here (:)

Back house.
Reached house le~
Changed shirt and ready to slept

Sunday Morning,
headache like hell.
Then go bath,
After bath headache okay already.
ready back KL.
Back KL at 10 something
Very tired,prepare my thing then go slept

[Really tired T^T]

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