
Picture again
My babe so pretty and cute right ? Love they so much
Babe Lemon so FIT. So pretty (: Babe Wen so mature. Babe Cherry so cute
3 of them also very nice and pretty that day .
I most like my babe wen's shirt,it's too beautiful .
I love you ! Babe~☺

Waiting Saturday☺,
Waiting my babe yee accompany me .
After my guitar class then went some where see a person,don't know who is that also. "
Why will feel so happy ? Don't know also,maybe (...)
So miss him,a bit only. Not really remember he face - zadao* =.="
Scared he will move the place,hope don't move first.
Faster morning,then can going there and see him.
Now,maybe can GU him . But I hope it come true also
But today the feeling are moving back like last time. Faster gone it PLEASE!

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