
This is my lovely cutie sis,so cute right. But we seldom see.
Cause she stay with my grandma at ipoh.Some time she will call me and chat with me in the phone
So love her hair,so long TT /..\
She had a bright eyes.Had bridge of the nose.Had a apricot lips and a long hair.. Nice girl (:
Some time I not really like her. Cause she always tell my mum all my secret. (hate her like that)*
She very like "dek" people . Especially my daddy and mummy,when we back my grandma house she sure will call me and said:Jie,my what what what no more already.When you back buy for me. Always like that one. (:
But I also got buy for her la. hehex(:

Headache again ):
Any thing happen on me now?Why felt like wanna sick?Got abit cough now.
Although,still loving him.I also can't do any thing just can be there or be here// No place can let me go for peace
I wanna peace and put down,every night my heart like /...\ Don't know how to say those felt.Cause those feeling so strange
Really can't know those felt. My friend started ask who is him.What should I say ?Doesn't know it. Just can took them,I'll tell you at the time was right
Cause I'm not going to tell them who is him,it's secret for me.Only some people know who is him,Wait for awhile Friends
I'm so sorry to some one,I lie her. But if can I'll tell you the true.Promise you,won't lie you again/. I'm so sorry,Friend!
Some of the memories was started delete,FORGET!
But the thing,the doll,the song,and you I can't delete.Cause it's too hard to delete inside the memories. When then moment is right,then sure can delete.
Wish you always be happy my LOVELY.

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