Back School

Today going back school first day
Then first day had a sport check
My bebe Teng , babe phei and babe muax phones also give teacher rampas already
Babe phei more cham ...
She phone won't give teacher rampas want. Cause she help Phei to keep the phone .
Then another people saw her phone inside her bag,then open her bag to let teacher see
Really bad ...
And Muax phone , She give JiaQi keep but let teacher saw again . She is the first let teacher rampas...(chao dao~)
Bebe Teng phone, She just put inside her bag. Then let teacher took .(The Devinchi don't have help her,Bad guy!JK)
After than Phei cried and very angry ~ T.T
Today only 2s and 2p got sport check, cause (....)
It's too sad on today .
Then after recess bebe Teng found me
Said bout LL things
Said a lot of LL things to me
He bad ,he "cold blood" some more +++
And recess time she cried also
Really angry dao (SHE)
Maybe now they two okay back
Hope they two will going like last time
Don't fight ... >< hahaha
LL don't "kek" bebe Teng again lo
If not you really is a bad guy ^^
Then my babe Kei also get angry with him
Cause he too stupid
Reason is (...) Kei only know the reason
Finally they two also good back ^^
Happy ending.. (Not really is happy ending ,cause he also haven wanna marry Kei) (: muhaha! jkjk
Tomorrow Salmon wanna go Thailand
This is happy thing for him,but also is sad thing for her
Any where wish you have a nice a trip

Li Xin sick also
Yesterday only start
Really felt scared now
Hope Li Xin get well soon~
Drink more water and rest more more
Today felt like wanna cried
Really first time like that
Also do't know what happen to me ?
I'm so moron
3 day din see him then now (....)
Really strange I felt
Back school feeling more good
Miss them! Miss him !

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