
Any thing on me? Why I can't sleep
I tired,But when i close eyes then will think about that.
Why? Every time was thinking bout that
Forget or delete or whatever can I?
I really endure this very long again,Monday till now was same
What happen on me? Nerve problem? Maybe.
Swore that i'd forget all the memories
I need forger it and had a new target,if not I'll so hurt
I know it's too hard for me to put it down,I'll try my best
I've started on Monday.The 3 day was my horrific day
I wanna tell myself,It's not yours! Return back it.
And you must self-criticism now.
Who you're,stop thinking nothing happens thing.Please !
I'm not going to do again.I very regret to do that
What's wrong with me ? Nerve problem? Maybe.
You're not going to do this again.Now you put it down treat you is a good thing,Kay
I stand in front all of you all, SWORE I'll put it down
And now just will concentrate at my study. No study No knowledge
Cheer Up~ You can

I don't why I so idiot now.Keep doing wrong thing
After doing,then very regret, I'll think and ask myself "why you wanna do it ?"
Always let yours mummy to worry about you. 6Agust what you give to your mummy ? Can you use your brain to think.
Your mummy was caring you 15 years,and just give her this special paper. You're the good ...
Her's birthday what you give ? Give her this paper right ?
Do you know,what your mummy thinking ? Do you know she will sad ?
Are you know ? Please use your ass brain to think it.
She's your mummy, Not your friends . If is your friends than never mind. The problem is SHE'S your mummy.
Please,respect your mummy! She give you money to let you know more knowledge. Not give you know bout the things.
Your ass brain can use now ? If still same than you really nerve problem now.
RESPECT your mummy-Please.
You support to be good now, If not you're really is a LOSER !
Remember what I said now. SWORE won't do it again .
Yours mummy sure very sad about this thing.Get angry also.
Mummy is love Not let her angry~kay !.

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