
Yesterday,going friend house for her birthday party (actually she's my daddy friend*)
We 8.30pm only go her house. Then reached her house already 9.00pm.
Daddy and mummy go took some thing ate , I sitting on chair and SMS with friends
Afterword,go take food with my bro. My bro go heat up lamp, lamp is my bro favorite (: Yummy~
Finish ate,with bro go her room and see her BF drum set . Nice drum he had :)
Approximately 11.00pm back house ,and continue my drama ... Hello!小姐*

23/8 Sunday,
Today woke up late,11.30am only woke up.Then after prepare finish go eat
After ate,go mummy's friend house.At there till 1.00pm
Then went to parkson bought present for my bro
He birthday on Monday. That mean now is his BIRTHDAY ^^
Happy Birthday to my cutie BRO Thong .
Tomorrow daddy wanna go Ipoh work,so only can stay at house
(cham,sure bored !) TT
Mummy is the best, I love you!

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