Time was pass it so fast .

So miss you .
almost 2 month less to with you .
The time pass it so fast .
Now already July
After school "Hari Koko" then exam again
I don't really start the revision now
This round exam will going same ?
I don't really know that

I can't feel that time pass it slow
It was very fast
I don't want the time pass too fast
I love my afternoon class
Cause don't have pressure
After form 2
Then start the form 3 lesson
PMR is coming soon ?
Very fast .
Holiday also will come too .
Many thing come it so fast .
The earth really transfer fast ?
The time transfer fast ?
However the things make it pass fast .

Why people will scared me ?
Cause they think i will eat them ?
Laugh out laugh .
I won't do that .
And i also won't eat person .
I'm not a dinosaur
So won't eat you .
No need scared me .
Okay ?
If you good with me
I with good with you too .
If you bad
I will bad too.

Hey !
Today with friend study Math at my house
Suan Ern's Math too pro already .
Pro than me
Now i know how to do the Math
But not very well to do .
I will do more practice at my Math
Math have many formula need to remember
I will do it as i can .

Later must get ready to out THERE.!
Must sleep early .
Byes !
Night !
Take care !

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