
I really know i wrong
I won't do that again
I'm so sorry to you

Whether I have done it wrong and chosen ?
Can you forgive it .
I really won't do it again anymore .
I hate myself, do to the wrong thing !
I regret to do it .
This is a last time I do . Kay

Stop it !
Don't sand it again .
The letter is complete
So don't sand it again
If not ...

Today don't have any thing happen .
Just keep play and talk
The chicken women very SH
Hate her so much .
Tomorrow don't have go school
I so miss him .
3 day can't see
Miss him

What thing you take ?
xxx again ?
Why you promise me,but will do it !
What matter to let you do again ?
Tired to explain to you
I just wanna lie on your heart Biis.
I Love You !

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