Koko's day

Took picture with my babe yee Babe mushroom
Today woke up 6.45am ,then went to school with my brother
Then reached school at 7.00am
Waited at bus stop
After 15 minuted then my friend reached school
We enter school

Today woke up too early,so felt tired
Cause yesterday slept at 4.00am
Just slept 2 hours ++ only
Cause yesterday with my biis play,but i lose i.i

This year "hari koko" not really nice
Cause don't have many place for playing ,like "ghost house"
This game very good for student
But this year the ah gan don't let that game
So bored today at school
Some more get angry also
He came school,no accompany me
Just found his friends
Make me so angry
He also don't know i angry what
Still want ask some thing make me more angry
He very stupid also .

After school with friends went to boom boom restaurant
Then ate until 1.00pm something with my friends go back house
But we went back school first
Cause my brother PSP game lose
We back school wait my brother found his game
But my brother said can't found
Then my brother call his friends whether got took his game anot
But he call them ,they said don't have
Then a boy told my brother is my friends BF took
But i don't really believe is his took
Why he want took that game
Now lose already
Now just only can play 1 game

Afterword we back my house
But we go pearl point first
Cause i want buy something at there
We went there till 3.00pm go back house
Is too tired on today
Just only walk,less sit
My leg wanna broken
Then tomorrow again walk

Tomorrow want go my babe kei birthday
Go midvelly celebrate her birthday
Sure tired till can't walk

Happy birthday to my babe kei

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