
Mushroom Teng Phei Lemon Happy Wen

全部都一样的脸 -不开心
就好象今天babe wen又不开心,Babe lemon也不开心

This few day so happy
Cause always talk with my babe Natasha ,and see him
Always go block G ,just wanna see him
Don't know why every time also give teacher saw us at the stair
So bad !
But Lucky ,En.Padma help us .
Today he saw us again,he didn't say any thing
Just call us do English homework
He still say "nice girl" and "nice boy"
He really is a nice teacher
Not like the chicken women
Damn brainless.
Today my friends heard some thing
Is the chicken women insult us again
Say us bad thing again
Some more ,go other class to replace only
Also want say they math teacher not good
Wah !
You really is good teacher ? No,i don't think so !
At Teacher's Circle you is very useless some more no courteous teacher also
Stupid Chicken Women "Koh Koh"
And keep call me "xiao yee"
Oh my godless!
Wanna vomit ,keep call "xiao yee"
So hai you tiam tiam teach la.
Your face show us "SH" only
ha-ha-ha xD

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