
New week was going same Alone .
No one knew our love was changed .
My friends his friends ask the same things
Friends :why you 2 so "cold" ?
Friends :how you 2 ?
Is the same question
You don't love me anymore ?
Yes or No ?
This few week saw me at school or outside
Also don't had talk with me .
What you want ?
You want forever don't bother me ?
Huh !
If really don't bother me , we better parting .
But i don't want .
If you want can tell me .
I will accept it !
I Love You 1 year 17 day .
Wah - You is the first i love so long .
Biis-I love you .

Even you don't love me.
I'll still love you .
Don't let me said it again .
This real is last chance .
Boy, if you really love me
Precious me
Okay !
If you wont still like this
I'll give up our love !
Is true !
Wont lie !
Alone is in my life now.
No people will changed it .
Except YOU !
I don't felt happy on this few week.
Nothing can be my life
Which is the best on me ?
I don't know
Who can tell me ?
Friends ?
You ?
Alone ?
Dead ?
Which ?
No one can choose it ?!

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