
I love him I miss him
Love without YOU mean LIFE is OVER
I won't LET you go AWAY from my WAY I will love you till i DEAD
I would rather not be so will to have no you as ALL
I reallise love you


School holiday is coming soon
Hate school holiday
Damn bored at there
Nothings can do
It is so SAD holiday
Because can't see him also
That feel is so
But i think 2 week holiday will be going fast
I hope that can going be fast a bit

Today SEJ & GEO we all form 2 friends was sand answer
2c sand to her ... than sand to him ...than after sand to him ... all my friend and got bring phone's student would know that answer
Damn like this feeling
But now i was scared that result come out
I very scared my SCIENCE paper
(sure will failed)*
And some more all SUBJECT will be pass ?
I think won't ..
If pass all i also won't be happy .
Because all answer just copy friends
How i can pass ?
If pass also will not happy .

Today can't sleep again
Later still got tuition
Must wake up early
I think won't sleep
If i go sleep sure can't wake up
And my panda eyes will very deep now
): *

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