
Wah !
Now you think you is school what
Very big izit
I very hate you
Who you think you are
GOD ah
Please,don't perasan la.
Keep your chicken mouth,please
Don't simply scold people without no reason
Understood -Chicken women
I tell you.
You next time scold me again
I wont give you face
I will scold you till i stop
Last time you also scold our class.
Then our class scold you back
Till you can't say any thing
You only class we us stand in front of them right ?
You so childish la
Can you don't be childish chicken women ?
When i saw you I'll going dead
"how dare you-don't care-never mind-silent"
Wah,all is your 口头弹
You only is lose-less
Understood Chicken Women

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